Anyone who works in our industry has experienced the time wasting and frustration associated with getting customers to approve their artwork or order details. Multiple emails and follow-up phone calls. Waiting for the client to make a decision. Added pressure and potential missed deadlines.
ProofStuff is a web application that allows you to deliver art or document proofs to your customers quickly and professionally. Your artist and customer service reps are free to focus on their jobs, Instead of spending valuable time managing customer approvals.
• Your customers are presented with a consistent and professional approval process complete with your branding and customized instructions. Proofs are viewed from web browsers on any computer, phone or other mobile device.
• ProofStuff automatically sends up to 3 email “reminders” if you customer has not acted on a Proof. This greatly reduces the time your staff spends to track down and manage approvals.
• You and your customer receive email confirmations once a Proof has been acted upon. All details from the approval process are stored and viewable. This includes a visual of what was approved, dates, times, digital approval “signature” and IP addresses of the approving party.
ProofStuff eliminates wasted time and energy in tracking down customer approvals, and allows your staff to focus on more productive work.
Pricing and Availability
ProofStuff is available now with pricing starting at $75/Month. Please contact ShopWorks sales@shopworx.com for a 60 day free, no obligation trial.