By Digital Output Staff
The International Sign Association (ISA) is no stranger to virtual events, having hosted its fair share in the last 12 months including The Wrap Experience, The Link…Install, and The Link…Soft Signage. Leveraging that experience, it presents ISA International Sign Expo 2021 as a virtual event from April 7 to 9, 2021.
The ISA Board of Directors made the announcement in January 2021 to transition from an in-person event to virtual. The decision was not made lightly, taking into account the over 20,000 attendees planning to travel to Las Vegas, NV to visit more than 600 exhibitors in person.
Per the statement from the board, “given the pandemic, it is impossible to host the expo in an in-person environment. ISA International Sign Expo 2021 – Virtual allows for a broader segment of our industry to fully participate in our show, including more international colleagues, those who normally do not travel for their companies, and a wider scope of exhibitors.”
Above: ISA International Sign Expo 2021 – Virtual is free for all attendees. The exhibit hall and event platform is open from Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. EDT to 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 9, 2021.
Immersive and Interactive
The now virtual event is more than just a trade show or conference. ISA is promoting it as an immersive and interactive opportunity to conduct business, connect with peers, and learn. “The sign, graphics, and visual communications industry continues to create new products and innovate existing ones, all aimed at delivering greater efficiency and business growth,” shares Lori Anderson, president/CEO, ISA. ISA International Sign Expo 2021 – Virtual is ideal for learning about them.
ISA International Sign Expo 2021 – Virtual is free for all attendees. The exhibit hall and event platform is open from Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. EDT to 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 9, 2021.
The virtual exhibit hall allows for direct interaction between attendees and exhibitors. Visitors are brought directly into virtual booths and can visit company’s virtual showrooms. This allows them to see and experience equipment and products and ask questions in real time. Private rooms are available for attendees to meet one-on-one through video.
“Join us to experience a new type of interactive and immersive virtual exhibit experience, as we all begin to move our businesses and industry forward,” encourages Anderson.
Beyond the Hall
In addition to virtual booths, the following events are scheduled—Solutions Showcases, Innovation Showcase, Learners’ Hub Sessions, and Peer Connection Breakouts.
Solutions Showcases are expert-led solution sessions, segmented by topic and workflow. Explore 30 minute demonstrations and videos highlighting individual materials and technology.
Innovation Showcase is where attendees can view the winners of ISA’s 2021 Innovation Awards. Learn about exciting new products and how to demonstrate equipment or ask for free samples.
Learners’ Hub Sessions include panels of professionals that work alongside the signage industry as well as thought leaders. Panels interviewing clients, designers, facility managers, and other stakeholders show perspectives of signage projects not commonly seen.
Peer Connection Breakouts consist of several topic-based breakout lounges to network with peers. Lounges are professional and personal, such as Project Manager Lounge, Designer Lounge, Young Professionals Lounge, Sports Lounge, and Pandemic Parenting Lounge. Each room contains facilitators and icebreakers.
Not to abandon the celebratory happy hour that ISA International Sign Expo is known for, ISA invites attendees to partake in virtual cocktails at the close of each day. The ISA Board of Directors hosts mixology and cocktails after hours on Thursday, April 8 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. EDT.
Register Today
In lieu of in-person events, ISA International Sign Expo 2021 – Virtual is the next best thing. With attendance free, why not partake in a session or two, learn something from a peer, and have an in-depth discussion with a product manager? Visit signexpo.org/digitaloutput to register today and plan your schedule.
Apr2021, Digital Output